Synopsis: Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business a...
Update on Reviews!
I decided to also make reviews for asian movies ^^ Please look forward to the new reviews and thank you for reading this :)
~Kdramas~ You're Beautiful
Synopsis: The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung...
~Tdramas (Taiwanese Dramas)~ Love Keeps Going
Synopsis: It all started when Zha Mei Le was just a little girl; she was care free and not really bright. She overheard her parents agr...
Hello there :)
I'm going to start writing drama reviews! Though I'm still new at making reviews so please be easy on me, hehe. I'm going to ...
~Jdramas~ Atashinchi No Danshi
Synopsis: These days, the term "homeless" has taken on new meaning. There are youths referred to as "net cafe refugees,...
~Jdramas~ Hana Kimi
Synopsis: "Based on a popular comic, this hilarious comedy follows the chaos, troubles and friendship at a boys’ boarding school aft...