Synopsis: " Minato is a young girl who was traumatized at a young age by being abandoned by her parents and left with her senile gran...
As you can see, I changed the blog template and I'm making some changes to this blog and trying to get most of my drafts done. So pleas...
Haven't watched dramas in over a month...Am I going crazy??
To answer that question, kind of. It's been far too long since I've watch a drama. The reason is because I got way too busy with sch...
Patterns in Jdramas (this applies to TV series in general but I'm justtaking it in the asian drama world)
As a jdrama watcher, I noticed a couple of things about japanese dramas. One of the things is that in some dramas (not all) they have a pat...
Finished "My Love From The Star" and "I Need Romance 3"/ Started "Can We Love?"
If you didn't know "My Love From The Star" ended 2 weeks ago, leaving me devastated that such a good drama has come to an e...
~Kdrama~ I Need Romance
Synopsis: "I Need Romance" depicts the love lives of three 33-year-old single women .... Sun Woo In Young ( Jo Yeo-Jeong ) i...
~Tdrama~ Calling for Love
Synopsis: Bo Ye is a reluctant big star who entered the entertainment industry to support his family. Now that he has earned enough money...