Synopsis: Bo Ye is a reluctant big star who entered the entertainment industry to support his family. Now that he has earned enough money and his contract about to end, he happily starts planning for the next stage of his life. Around the same time, unfortunate financial downturn struck his agent, his sister and his best friend. Feeling obligated to help them he contemplates on renewing his contract. Totally depressed by this thought, he buys a lotto ticket hoping that he can win the big one and save him from this dilemma. As luck would have it, he wins the jackpot but loses the ticket before he can cash it. Now he is chasing after a taxi driver, De Xing, all over town in order to get it back.
Review: Calling For Love kind of bored me. Although I did find it entertaining at some parts and I even fangirled a lot during the gushy romantic moments. It was also quite funny but not sure if I really liked it.To be honest, I don't really remember a lot from this drama, I had to watch FMV's of it to refresh my memory. It just seemed kind of lacking. Especially with the chemistry between Bo Ye and De Xing. They weren't really convincing to me. No offense to Charlene Choi (the actress who played De Xing) but she didn't do such a good job in this drama. For me, she seemed very emotionless and her acting was "eh". But maybe it was because this role probably didn't suit her style as much as her previous roles. However I liked how her character had crazy driving skills that probably goes against every rule in a Drivers Ed Handbook lol Anyways, I was quite disappointed with this drama, I feel like it could've been different if they fixed the storyline a bit and made it flow better. And also try to make it seem a bit more real (even though dramas are unrealistic to begin with but still, this drama was just filled with coincidences everywhere).
Should you watch it? It's an okay drama however I can't really recommend this one. Unless if you're a diehard Mike He fan, then I guess go ahead and watch it but it's definitely not his best work. Maybe if you're really bored one day and have no dramas to watch (I don't know how you would even run out of dramas to watch because there's just too many out there *0*) then I'd suggest watching it.
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