Synopsis: "Closer to Heaven" tells the love story between Jong-Woo (Kim Myung-Min) and Ji-Soo (Ha Ji-Won). Although Jong-Woo suffers from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), he is still a bright and cheerful person. Ji-Soo works as a co-ordinator in a funeral home. She deals with death everyday and doesn't think twice about Jong-woo's disease. The couple then falls in love. (from AsianWiki)
Review: This movie is very beautiful but quite sad. I personally liked it however some parts were a bit boring to me.On the other hand, their relationship was really touching. They still managed to somehow be together despite them knowing that it will be broken apart due to a suffering disease. I would recommend this to someone who's a melodramatic fan.
Should you watch it? I'd say yes, however if you don't like sad movies then don't watch this. Other than that though, I think this movie is worth a try in watching it.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
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