It's a very cute drama and I really like it so far. I'm on ep 15 at the moment *0* I'm a little behind on new episodes because of school OTL Hopefully I can watch episode 15 tonight and if I'm lucky, maybe 16 also.
Once I finish Just You, I will watch I Hear Your Voice, korean drama.
Okay let me explain why I feel guilty about watching this. You see, I have a system of how I decide on watching dramas,animes and movies and I kind of don't want to explain the system because it'll be too confusing to understand. Anyways, it helps with my OCD and also with deciding on what drama to watch. Also it keeps me from being too biased. For example, if I just watch whatever I feel like, I'd probably be watching a bunch of dramas and neglecting animes and asian movies which would make me sad.
Now how does this relate to the topic? I Hear Your Voice is not part of the order of my system. Originally I was going to rewatch "Durarara!!" an anime after I finished Just You. However, one of my friends really wants me to watch it and has kept asking and asking and finally I decided to break off my OCD-ness for once and watch it. I'm really excited to watch it though! I've always wanted to watch it for a while but sadly I wasn't able to. But now I do. I can't wait til I start it!
After I watch that, I will watch another korean drama called Secret
So this morning, one of my online friends recommended that I should watch Secret, problem is that, I can't watch it. Why? It's the same reason for I Hear Your Voice, not part of my system right now. But then she and I made a deal, I will watch Secret after I Hear Your Voice and she will watch Just You. So now, this will be something I will watch soon~ From reading the synopsis, it seems interesting.
Lastly for now, Durarara!!, an anime.
I watched it before but I decided to watch it again. I don't really have a reason why but it was the next thing on my list and it's weird because I normally don't rewatch things but for this, it'll be an exception.
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